The Dean of the College of Nursing conducts an inspection tour of the college corridors and classrooms

 The Dean of the College of Nursing, Prof. Dr. Ali Kareem Khudhair, conducted an inspection tour in the college corridors, classrooms and scientific laboratories. His station was the Pediatric Nursing Laboratory for third-year students, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Khamis Bandar Obeid, Head of the Pediatric Nursing Department , and the teacher, Dr. Zaki Sabah Musaib, Head of the Fundamentals Sciences Department , where The dean raised their problems, if any, with their suggestions and the extent of their satisfaction with the teachers of the subjects, promising them to overcome difficulties in a way that serves the progress of the educational process. On their part, the students expressed their sincere thanks and appreciation to the Dean and to the faculty members for their best efforts in teaching the subjects and absorbing them in the correct manner, in addition to the good handling Mutual exchange between students and faculty. Media of the College of Nursing.