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      A cross-sectional study was conducted to assess quality of life for
adolescents with acne.

      A sample of 130 students at university kerbala both males and
females .The study was conducted from August 1st 2017 until April 22nd
2018 on the age group18–21, using a validated self-administered
questionnaire with 5 point Likert scale (1–5). The study examined the
responses of male and female students at UOK who were diagnosed with
acne Quality Of Life index (Acne-QoL) questionnaire. The data were
coded, tabulated, and presented in a descriptive form. The data was
analyzed through the use of statistical package for social science version
18 (SPSS-18).

    The results revealed that 53.8 % of the sample have severe
impairment and there is significant effect of gender factor on the
adolescent quality of life. Other factors Age, residence, mitral status ,
duration of injury, family income , and level of education had on
significant effect on quality of life.

      The study concluded that acne has a significant negative impact on
the quality of life; quality of life of female adolescents with acne vulgaris
were more affected; Adolescents with Acne vulgaris at Kerbala were
predominantly females, all of them were secondary educated level, living
in urban and suburban and barely sufficient income.

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