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Prevalence of HBV was 17 % while HCV was present in 0.4% in whole Iraqi
populations in 2006, increases of HCV & HBV infections in recent years have led to
investigate the reasons behind such high infections . knowledge of patients about virus
transmissions and prevention of infection consider main factor to prevent spread of
disease . we surveyed 100 patients with HCV &HBV, they have been asked to filled
a questioner to estimate their knowledge. there were 5% have excellent knowledge,
9% have good knowledge and 5% have bad knowledge about virus transmission
method. Patients knowledge about disease prevention was 2 % have excellent
knowledge , 16% have good knowledge and 2% have bad knowledge . Aims : in this
study we aim to estimated knowledge of patient with HCV and HBV about viral
transmission ways and who to prevent for infection as vital way to control HCV and
HBV infection in Karbala .Conclusions : the study revealed that about (40 %) of hem
dialysis patients sample who suffered from hepatitis B&C and (60%) of hepatitis
patient sample in liver disease unite. The almost all of patients not found complete
information. The majority of study sample live in city. the study show that almost all
of patient sample having little level of information on hepatitis B&C that include(
knowledge about daises) and moderate level of information on hepatitis B&C that
include(transmission of daises , prevalence of daises). the study demonstrate that all of
patients sample are not significant about total number of HCV&HBV between male&
female. the study show that all of patients sample have good level information about
transmission of HCV&HBV by blood transfusion. the study show that is moderate
level information about take medication of hepatitis. the study show there is low level
of information about transmission of hepatitis B&C by sex.

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