The College of Nursing / University of Kerbala provides various health services to the fortieth anniversary visitors

Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ali Kareem al-Juboori, teachers and students of the College of Nursing / University of Kerbala participated in providing health services to the visitors of the fortieth anniversary of the Hussein, peace be upon him, through their participation in the processions of the University of Kerbala to provide health and medical services, as well as in hospitals and health centers in addition to the medical detachments of the Health Directorate Holy Kerbala, which was distributed in different areas in Kerbala, the holy city. These services consisted of health instructions, measurement of vital signs, measurement of blood sugar, in addition to other nursing services. This participation came after coordination with the Holy Kerbala Health Directorate and the distribution of teachers and students to areas where there is a great momentum for visitors. Media of the College of Nursing.