The Dean of the College of Nursing conducts a tour of the college corridors

Prof. Dr. Ali Kareem Khudhair Al-Juboori, Dean of the College of Nursing, conducted an inspection tour of the divisional offices and departments of the college, during which he directly supervised the mechanism for distributing financial differences to contractors of lecturers, technicians, administrators and workers covered by the ministerial contract 315, where he praised the distinguished efforts of the Financial Affairs Division, the Human Resources Division and the Audit Division And their completion of the daily work with precision and dedication. The tour also included a visit to the college library and a briefing on the work mechanism, the necessary library needs and the obstacles facing their work, congratulating them for their good efforts and assistance to students by providing resources, scientific research and the appropriate atmosphere to advance the reality of education in the service of our students. Media of the College of Nursing.