The Psychological Counseling Unit at the College of Nursing holds a symposium on university codes of conduct

Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ali Kareem Khudhair, Dean of the College of Nursing and Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs, Assistant Professor Dr. Salman Hussein Faris and Dr. Ghazwan Abdel Hussein, member of the Central Committee for Psychological Counseling, the Psychological Counseling Unit at the College of Nursing held a scientific symposium on the rules of conduct on university , where the symposium addressed the Several axes, including the importance of dealing and respect between students, faculty members, and all university employees, and the need to respect the privacy of each of them, while adhering to ministerial regulations and regulations related to exam performance, and abiding by modest university uniforms, in addition to focusing on a set of general principles and rules for student discipline. The university student may exhibit several behaviors, which would contribute to the low level of education, such as continuous absence and lack of attention to follow-up lectures, and among the recommendations that came out of the symposium is to instruct students to adhere to the rules and disciplined behaviors and preserve public property, the symposium was attended by a number of faculty members staff, employees and college students. Media of the College of Nursing.