Teacher’s Day coincided with the Prophet’s mission The College of Nursing celebrates the occasion The College of Nursing celebrated the auspicious occasion of the resurrection of the Noble Prophet Muhammad, (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) , the first teacher of humanity and the savior of humanity from ignorance to light, which coincided with Teacher’s Day on the first of March. The celebrants expressed their sincere love and appreciation for the educational staff represented by the Dean of the College and members of the teaching staff, appreciating the great efforts they are making with their students. For his part, Prof. Dr. Ali Kareem Khudhair, Dean of the College, expressed his congratulations and blessings on the occasion and said, I congratulate you on your party on the occasion of the mission of the Noble Messenger, as Today we have the memory of the noble Prophet’s mission, and it is considered one of the great and honorable days, and it is considered one of the great holidays, in which was the landing of Gabriel, (peace be upon him) , with the message and prophecy, calling on God to protect Iraq and its people from all evil and keep them away from all evil. Media of the College of Nursing.