Head of the Adult Nursing Department at the College of Nursing participates in a discussion session for his doctoral thesis at the University of Babylon

 Assistant Professor Dr. Hassan Abdullah Athbi, Head of the Adult Nursing Department at the College of Nursing at the University of Kerbala, participated in the discussion session of the doctoral student (Sadiq Salam Hassouni) thesis entitled “Knowledge, trends and obstacles facing infection control with regard to COVID-19 among nurses in Hilla Teaching Hospitals.” It is mentioned that The discussion took place on Wednesday, 7/6/2022 in the conference hall of the College of Nursing at Babylon University, in the presence of members of the strict specialization in adult nursing from the University of Kufa / College of Nursing, University of Baghdad / College of Nursing, University of Kerbala / College of Nursing and University of Babylon / College of Nursing. Media of the College of Nursing.