The Dean of the College of Nursing inspects the work of the examination committee

 The Dean of the College of Nursing inspected the work of the examination committee during his inspection tour in the corridors of the college, where the examination committee continues its work, correcting the examination books, checking the grades and downloading them to the electronic calculator, in addition to its work, preparing special tables for the names of the observers and distributing them to the examination halls, with the preparation of lists of the examining students for each hall. It is reported that the College of Nursing announced on Monday, 9/19/2022, the resumption of the final exams for the second attempt of the current academic year 2021-2022 after postponing the exams on the occasion of the fortieth visit of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, and disrupting the official working hours in the governorate.
It is worth noting that the final exams for the “second attempt ” of the morning and evening preliminary studies started on the first of September.
Media of the College of Nursing.