One of the instructors of the College of Nursing participates in a field visit to Ibn Al-Qaf Hospital in Baghdad

The instructor, Ali Jabbar Abdul-Hussein, one of the instructors of the College of Nursing at the University of Karbala, took part in a field visit to Ibn Al-Qaf Hospital for Spinal Cord Injuries, and said: The visit was for the purpose of reviewing the latest technologies and methods used in nursing care and rehabilitating people with spinal cord injuries, “total or partial paralysis of the limbs.”  for the extremities”, as well as the care, treatment and prevention of complications of these injuries, including bed ulcers. and he added: The workshops for the education and rehabilitation of the injured were entered.  (Workshops to teach skills that help them to live with this injury), praising the warm reception and welcome from the hospital administration represented by nursing affairs, indicating that the visit resulted in scientific and practical interest in this field.