The Women’s Affairs Unit at the College of Nursing organizes a scientific symposium on begging and school dropout

Under the patronage of the Dean of the College of Nursing, Professor Dr. Salman Hussein Fares Al-Guraiti, the Women’s Affairs Unit at the College of Nursing at the University of Karbala, in cooperation with the Scientific Division, organized a scientific symposium entitled “Finding appropriate solutions to homelessness, school dropout, and the disadvantages of begging on the individual and society,” with the participation of a number of researchers and specialists. The aim of the symposium is to research the causes of the spread of the phenomenon of begging and school dropout in society and to find appropriate solutions for this dangerous phenomenon. The participants called for the need for intervention by the competent authorities by following up and imposing strict control on begging children, and calling on specialists in the Ministry of Education to find solutions to the problem of dropout. Children from schools, attention to vocational education schools for those over the age of compulsory education, and the need to activate the role of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs to reduce this phenomenon. Present at the symposium, which was held in person at the College of Nursing, were the teacher, Ali Jabbar Abdel Hussein, the assistant teacher, Fatima Ali Karim, and the assistant teacher, Alaa Nimah Hadi. It is worth noting that the Women’s Affairs Department in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research directed the holding of seminars and awareness campaigns that shed light on women’s and community issues. Media of the College of Nursing