Infection prevention and control during health care when )COVID-19 suspected

The department of Community Health Nursing at the College of Nursing have organized a scientific workshop on Infection prevention and control during health care when COVID-19 is suspected, the scientific workshop has led by Dr. Salman Hussein Al-Kerety,” the head of community health department in collaboration with dr. Haqi Ismael “the head’s assistant for health community department”. The workshop has focused on many topics such as Infection Control Measures in a health care setting; an essential element of infection control plan in health care facilities; Principles of infection prevention and control strategies associated with health care for suspected COVID-19; Standard precautions; WHO’s 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene approach; Implementing empiric additional precautions; Airborne precautions for aerosol-generating procedures.; Recommendation for health care workers in outpatient; and how handling laboratory specimens from patients with suspected COVID-19.

Many of health care professionals have participated in this scientific workshop that has held through using free conference call Meeting, under a supervision of IT specialist Mr. Hussein Ali.