As a part of scientific collaboartion and experience exchanges among college of nursing in Iraq, the dean of nursing school at Karbala University has participated in the discussion committee for graduate student named Mohamed Baker as he defended his thesis which titled ” The Impact of Broken Familly upon Adolescebt’s Behavior at secondary schools in Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf city”. The defend day was on Tuesday 10/11/2020. The other committe members were dr. Afifa Redha from college of nursing /University of Kerbala, dr. Wisam Jabbar from same forementioned college, dr. Mahdi Abd Nema from Children nursing department, dr. Neihad Mohamed from University of Babylon and dr. Khetam Meteshar from children nursing department/ University of Baghdad. Finaly the student got an A mark for his thesis. Congratulation to him
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