Design scientific models to simulate practical reality

Within the scientific initiatives carried out by our college students and under the direct supervision of the  Dean of the college of nursing/university of kerbala, Prof. Ali Karim Al-Juboori, clinical simulation models were designed to train students on the examinations for diagnosing various diseases, including: –
The first: – The case of fluid gathering in the face (under the eyes) in the case of heart failure
The second: – The case of fluid accumulation in the abdomen in cases of liver and urinary system diseases by a group of second-stage students and under the guidance and supervision of the professor of health assessment subject Ali Jabbar Abdul-Hussein because there is an urgent need for such models in practical training within simulation laboratories and with ideas inspired by disease cases within the vocabulary Adult Nursing Clinical Training.
Note that it is the first experience of its kind in creating clinical simulation models because there is an urgent need for them in practical training and to create an environment that mimics the reality
in health institutions

Media of the College of Nursing