Proceeding from its mission and policy in developing the educational environment, strengthening its scientific foundations, and measuring and improving the quality of its outputs, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research decided to adopt the assessment exam between public and private universities and colleges in the field of medical and nursing specialties for the academic year 2022/2021. In this regard, His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Dr. Nabil Kadhom Abd el-Sahib, endorsed the recommendations of the ministerial committee concerned with adopting the electronic assessment exam inside universities for the first and second attempts for the academic year 2022/2021 in the disciplines (medicine / dentistry / pharmacy / nursing) and for subjects decided by the committees of the deans of the colleges of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and nursing for the above-first stages. The ministry instructed public and private universities and colleges to form specialized committees headed by the heads of the committees of the deans of the specialized colleges to prepare a question-and-answer bank for the basic subjects covered by the assessment exam, to set an exam map for each study subject, and to create the appropriate exam environment, while the supervisory and scientific evaluation body would follow up on the requirements of the sobriety of assessment tests and the mechanisms for their implementation. Note that the subjects related to nursing colleges that were included in the assessment exam are: – Second stage: Adult Nursing 2 and Nursing Microbiology. – The third stage is pediatric nursing, maternal and newborn nursing, human growth and development, – The fourth stage is community health nursing, Psychiatric and mental health nursing, and critical care nursing. Media of the College of Nursing.