The College of Nursing begins conducting final exams for postgraduate students

 Under the direct supervision of Prof. Dr. Ali Kareem Khudhair Al-Juboori, Dean of the College of Nursing, and the follow-up of Assistant Professor Dr. Salman Hussein Faris, Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs and Postgraduate Studies, the College of Nursing began, for the first day, to conduct final exams/first course for the academic year 2021-2022 for postgraduate students of the subject of nursing specializations under the supervision of a number of Faculty members. For his part, Dr. Zaki Sabah Musaib, Head of the Basic Sciences Department , said that the exams were conducted with high discipline by the students and the college prepared in advance all the necessary procedures for conducting the exams and enabling our dear students to perform their exams with ease and in a calm atmosphere. Media of the College of Nursing.