University of Kerbala students organize volunteer work to serve visitors

, Under the direction of the Dean of the College of Nursing, Prof. Dr. Ali Kareem Khudhair, the students of the College of Nursing at the University of Kerbala and under the supervision of the teacher Ali Jabbar Abdel Hussein, one of the College’s teachers, organized voluntary work, which included the formation of medical detachments inside the holy city of Kerbala to support the Kerbala Health Directorate , which mobilizes all its health staff to receive the visiting visitors during the millionth visits, The work was divided into three parts during the day for a period of five days, and a number of male and female volunteers were involved to work in the emergency ward of Al-Safir Hospital to receive emergency and critical cases during Al-Shabania visit and Nowruz holidays. For his part, the Dean of the College of Nursing expressed his thanks and appreciation to the people For this work, which serves visitors to the holy shrines, it is worth noting that the college organized many volunteer work earlier, especially during the Corona pandemic, the most prominent of which are nursing services to aid the injured. Media of the College of Nursing.