The Examination Committee in the College of Nursing continues its work to achieve the results of the first stage students

The Examination Committee in the College of Nursing continues its work to complete the results of the final exams for students of the first stage, morning and evening studies for the first semester of the academic year 2021-2022. Assistant Professor Dr. Hassan Abdullah Athbi, Head of the Adult Nursing Department and member of the Examination Committee at the College of Nursing, said that the work of the Committee now starts from receiving the examination copy books by the teacher of the subject and the student’s name and the total grades obtained in the subject are checked. The grades are entered in the special records “Master Sheet” and finalized before announcing the results, and the work is continuous and continuous from the morning until the late hours of the evening work, for his part, through the Dean of the College, Chairman of the Examination Committee Prof. Dr. Ali Kareem Khudhair expressed his thanks and appreciation to the members of the examination committee for their great efforts in addition to their other assigned work. Media of the College of Nursing.