The College of Nursing at the University of Kerbala successfully conducts electronic exams for its in-person students Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ali Kareem Khudhair Al-Juboori, Dean of the College of Nursing, and the follow-up of Assistant Professor Dr. Salman Hussein Faris and Assistant Professor Dr. Fatima Makki Mahmoud, the Dean of Scientific and Administrative Affairs, and with the efforts of the members of the examination committee and the technical support team, the College of Nursing conducted the students’ examination electronically and in person, where a nursing examination was conducted. Community health for (89) male and female students for the fourth stage, morning and evening studies, in the presence of the professor of the subject, Assistant Professor Dr. Salman Hussein Faris, Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs, and the teacher, Dr. Hakki Ismail, and an exam for growth and development for third-year students was held with the participation of 215 students from the morning and evening studies in the presence of a professor. Dr. Khamis Bandar, Head of the Pediatric Nursing Department , on his part, the assistant teacher Ahmed Samit, the official of the e-learning unit and a member of the Technical Support Committee, said that work is continuing to develop the electronic system in our college and link new halls to accommodate large numbers of students at once without any problems on the model platform. Media of the College of Nursing.