The College of Nursing at University of Kerbala conducts an opinion survey among its students

The Department of Pediatric and Women’s Nursing at the College of Nursing at the University of Kerbala conducted an opinion survey among the students of the third stage in the college, which included a statement of the students’ opinion and expression freely for what they receive from the nursing sciences and how the teachers behaviour with them, mentioning the negatives, if any, to handling them, and the assistant teacher Qasim Kazem Ashour, one of the College teachers said that the questionnaire was conducted under the supervision of the Head of the Pediatric Nursing Department , Prof. Dr. Khamis Bandar, which was conducted in all transparency and without mentioning the names of the students on the questionnaire paper to express their opinion freely. He added that the results were very excellent and no negative cases were mentioned. On their part, the students expressed their deep thanks and gratitude to the Deanship of the College And the teaching staff for what they acquired of knowledge, science, parental care, good treatment and great interest in all fields.
Media of the College of Nursing.