the College of Nursing announces the distribution of student results The Registration Division at the College of Nursing at the University of Kerbala

The Registration Division of the College of Nursing announces the distribution of student results The Registration Division at the College of Nursing at the University of Kerbala announced the announcement of the students’ results, on Wednesday, 6/6/2022. Assistant Professor Mustafa Karim, Director of the Registration Division at the College, said the results of students who completed the clearance will be sent via university email, and we apologize for not delivering the result of any student who did not completes the clearance , and added to the student who will complete the clearance tomorrow, his result will be sent later electronically also after the blocking is removed, that is, after submitting the full clearance , indicating that there is no paper delivery of the results according to the students’ desire and according to the questionnaire that was recently conducted among the students. Media of the College of Nursing.