Head of the Adult Nursing Branch at the College of Nursing participates in the Ministerial Examination Committee

Assistant Professor Dr. Hassan Abdullah Athbi, Head of the Adult Nursing Branch in the College of Nursing, participated in the ministerial committee that inspects the buildings, halls and laboratories added at the Al-Safwa University College in Karbala Governorate to determine the student capacity for the academic year 2022-2023. It is worth mentioning that the Ministry of Higher Education and Research The Scientific / Department of Private University Education, formed a committee with the membership of professors from the College of Pharmacy / University of Karbala, the College of Engineering / University of Karbala and the College of Nursing / University of Karbala, to inspect the buildings added to the building of Al-Safwa University College to determine the students’ absorptive capacity for the current academic year. Media of the College of the Nursing.