The College of Nursing concludes the activities of the training course for nursing staff

 The training course for nursing staff was concluded in the College of Nursing, which was held on the postgraduate hall in the College of Nursing in attendance, entitled (high blood pressure during pregnancy) for a period of five days, which included knowing the classifications of high blood pressure caused by pregnancy and methods of caring for patients with high blood pressure during pregnancy, with Methods of comprehensive examination of high pressure during pregnancy and its prevention, and the last day of the course included conducting a test for the participants and distributing certificates of participation from Prof. Dr. Ali Kareem Khudhair, Dean of the College, and Assistant Professor Dr. Salman Hussein Faris, Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs, and Assistant Professor Dr. Fatima Makki Mahmoud, Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs, For their part, the participants in the course expressed their thanks and gratitude for holding such courses that contribute to the development of their knowledge and capabilities in their field of specialization. Media of the College of Nursing.