The Maternal and Newborn Nursing Branch in the College of Nursing organizes a scientific symposium on high blood pressure.

 The auspices and supervision of Professor Dr. Ali Karim Khudair Al-Jubouri, Dean of the College of Nursing at Karbala University, and the follow-up of Assistant Professor Dr. Salman Hussein Fares, Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs and Postgraduate Studies in the College of Nursing, in cooperation with the Scientific Division. The Maternal and Newborn Nursing Branch in the College of Nursing organized a scientific symposium entitled “High blood pressure during pregnancy.” The symposium aims to define high blood pressure during pregnancy, its types, and what are the risk factors and causes that lead to its occurrence. Or reduce infection rates. Assistant Lecturer Amal Fadel, one of the teachers of the Mother and Newborn Branch in the College of Nursing, lectured. Several employees and students in the college participated in the symposium, which was held in the hall of the College of Nursing.