Preliminary students in the Faculty of Nursing continue to take final exams. The students of the first stage in the College of Nursing continue to take the final exams for the first semester of the academic year 2022-2023, which took place today, Sunday, 5/3/2023, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Ali Karim Khudair Al-Jubouri, Dean of the College of Nursing, and the follow-up of Assistant Professor Dr. Salman Hussein Fares Al-Ghariti, Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs and Postgraduate Studies and Assistant Professor Dr. Fatima Makki Mahmoud, Associate Dean for Administrative and Financial Affairs in the College of Nursing, and several members of the examination committee. Students performed the “Biochemistry” exam in the Basic Sciences branch for the morning and evening studies. It is worth noting that the examination committee in the College of Nursing announced last Sunday, 26/2/2023, the start of the final exams for first-stage students, according to the university calendar

The College of Nursing discusses a thesis on the impact of...

Headed by the Dean of the College of Nursing, Assistant Professor Dr. Salman Hussein Faris Al-Ghariti, the public discussion of the master's student (Mithal...

Dean of the College of Nursing honors members of the discussion...

 The Dean of the College of Nursing, Assistant Professor Dr. Salman Hussein Faris Al-Ghariti, honored today, Tuesday, September 3, 2024, members of the discussion...








The College of Nursing, represented by Prof. Dr. Ali Karim Khudair Al-Jubouri, Dean of the College of Nursing, and the college’s faculty members, staff, and students extend their condolences and sympathy to the second-stage student...

كلية التمريض تشارك في المخيم الكشفي الذي نظمته جامعة كربلاء

شعبة الاعلام/كلية التمريضشارك عدد من طلبة كلية التمريض بجامعة كربلاء في المخيم الكشفي الذي اقامته الجامعة في متنزه حي الحسين ، وقال مدير شعبة النشاطات الطلابية المبرمج حسين علي مهدي ابتدا المخيم بمحاضرة تعريفية بينت...

ندوة علمية بكلية التمريض بجامعة كربلاء بعنوان بعض التقنيات الحديثة في التعليم للجامعات العالمية...

شعبة الاعلام/ كلية التمريض عقدت كلية التمريض فرع العلوم الاساسية بجامعة كربلاء ندوة علمية بعنوان(بعض التقنيات الحديثة في التعليم للجامعات العالمية وامكانية تطبيقها في جامعاتنا) وعلى احدى القاعات الدراسية في الكلية بحضور ومشاركة الاستاذ الدكتور علي...

The Quality Assurance Division at the College of Nursing receives the Central Audit Committee

 Under the guidance of the Dean of the College of Nursing, Prof. Dr. Ali Kareem Khudhair, the Quality Assurance and University Performance Division in the college received the central audit committee formed by the presidency...


Scientific cooperation and exchange of experiences between the College of Nursing/...

 As part of scientific and research cooperation and benefiting from the scientific expertise of the teachers of nursing colleges, the assistant professor, Dr. Salman...