The College of Nursing at the University of Karbala organizes a solidarity and mourning stand to stand with the Palestinian people In the presence of Professor Dr. Ali Karim Khudair Al-Jubouri, Dean of the College of Nursing at the University of Karbala, the College of Nursing at the University of Karbala organized today, Wednesday, 10/18/2023, a stand in solidarity and mourning for the innocent lives that fell yesterday in a new and foolish massacre committed by the brutal Zionist enemy against the Palestinian people, and those present expressed their Their sympathy and solidarity with the brotherly Palestinian people, and their standing against the Zionist enemy and those behind it in terms of brutal and heinous crimes, the latest of which happened yesterday in the targeting of Al-Maamdani National Hospital, which is a war crime, genocide, and a humanitarian disaster. Assistant Professor Dr. Salman Hussein Faris Al-Guraiti, Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs and Postgraduate Studies at the College of Nursing, and a number of heads of scientific branches, teachers, employees, and students of postgraduate and preliminary studies participated in the solidarity stance. Media of the College of Nursing

Infection Control Workshop for Nursing Students

The Rehabilitation, Employment, and Follow-up Unit, in collaboration with Imam Al-Hassan Hospital, held a workshop for fourth-year students on modern infection control protocols, emphasizing...

Training course on Monkeypox Awareness and Prevention

Under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Dr. Selman Hussain Faris, the College of Nursing at the University of Kerbala held a two-day training course...




The Dean of the College of Nursing honors the Deanship of...

 Prof. Dr. Ali Kareem Khudhair, Dean of the College of Nursing and Chairman of the Committee of Deans of Nursing Colleges in Iraq, honored...


كلية التمريض تبدا الامتحانات النهائية للفصل الدراسي الاول للعام الدراسي 2018-2019

تجري في كلية التمريض بجامعة كربلاء للعام الدراسي 2018-2019 الامتحانات النهائية للفصل الدراسي الاول لجميع المراحل في الكلية (نظري وعملي) وبذات في 19 من شهر كانون الثاني وتنتهي في 31 كانون الثاني ، وحث...

The Dean of the College of Nursing honors the Director General of the Psychological...

Prof. Dr. Ali Karim Khudair al-Jubouri, Dean of the College of Nursing at Karbala University, Chairman of the Committee of Deans of Nursing Colleges in Iraq, Prof. Dr. Ali Odeh Muhammad al-Halfi, Director General of...

Continuation of the second semester exams for postgraduate studies at the College of Nursing...

 Under the direct supervision of Prof. Dr. Ali Kareem Al-Juboori and members of the exam committees, the exams of postgraduate students for the second semester of the 2020/2021 academic year continue in attendance for the...

The College of Nursing / University of Kerbala holds the sixth student conference

under the slogan (With scientific research we face challenges) Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Baslam Khalil Al-Saeedi and under the direct supervision of Prof. Dr. Ali Kareem Al-Juboori, the College of Nursing / University...