The Dean of the College of Nursing participates in the Third International Scientific Conference at the University of Karbala in its third edition

The Dean of the College of Nursing at the University of Karbala, Assistant Professor Dr. Salman Hussein Faris Al-Guraiti, participated in the third international scientific conference organized by the College of Education for Humanities at the University of Karbala, in cooperation with Hilla University College, with the participation of a group of academics and researchers from inside and outside Iraq. The conference came with the aim of exchanging academic and scientific experiences between researchers inside and outside Iraq, activating the role of scientific institutions to advance the scientific reality, diagnosing the challenges facing progress, and providing researchers with the opportunity to present their scientific products in a way that serves the scientific process. The conference witnessed the participation of more than (70) papers covering various topics in the axes of Arabic and English linguistic and literary studies, and historical, cultural, and Islamic studies. Media of the College of Nursing.