The technical support team at the College of Nursing implements a workshop at the University of Heir al-Anbiya, peace be upon him.

 The technical support team at the College of Nursing held a workshop at the College of Science at the University of Heir al-Anbiya, peace be upon him, entitled (Using the Remark Office program) in electronic correction of tests. The lecture was attended by the teacher, Dr. Ahmed Samet Hatem, the assistant teacher, Bilal Saad Jalil, and the programmer, Hussein Ali Mahdi. The aim of the workshop is to train participants in the uses of the “Remark Office” program in detail, how to prepare the database, design the examination paper, and the electronic correction process. For its part, the Deanship of the College of Science at Warith Al-Anbiya University expressed its sincere thanks and appreciation to the Deanship of the College of Nursing and to the two lecturers for the fruitful cooperation and efforts made in holding the workshop in the service of our dear students. Media of the College of Nursing