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represented (42%),and the most of samples in type of family were small
(64 %).

DISCUSSION: This chapter presents the discussion of the study result that
was enriched with interpretation of the finding and according to the
scientifically methods of presentation such a presentation was provided
with supportive and available evidence in the literature. In this study, we
assessed the risk factors of diarrhea for children under three months at
pediatric teaching hospital in holly Karbala at province, as a results we
found Table one(1) Show the distribution socio-demographic
characteristics: Age most sample of the study represent their age group
was( 61-90) day which represent (44 %), who stated that (45%) their age
was under one year; Residency mothers of the sample their Residency in
urban were represented (70 %), who stated that (38.3%) urban ;
Educational level were read & write represented (44% ), who stated
that(76%) of mothers incase group having only primary education; Type
of feeding the most of these mothers use bottle feeding were
represented(42%), who stated that( 50.6 %) were at bottle feeding.

       Table(2) show risks factors of diarrhea for children under three
months: fever about (66%),The child suffers from high temperatures who
stated that study(43.2%) have fever ; Exits blood with baby stools about
(10%), of child not have exits blood with baby stools who stated that
represent( 9%) of sample; sign of vomiting about (88%), who stated that (
46.3%) have vomiting; Diarrhea is caused by water pollution about (38%),
who stated that represent(95%) of sample; Clean the breasts and hands
before feeding about(24%), who stated that represent( 95%) of sample;
Signs of dryness such as dry mouth about (40%), who stated that about
(30.8%) have dehydration.

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