Continuation of attendance and electronic exams at the College of Nursing / University of Kerbala. Under the direct supervision of Prof. Dr. Ali Kareem Al-Juboori, Dean of the College of Nursing / University of Kerbala and members of the Examination Committee, the attendance and electronic examinations will continue for Tuesday, 27/7/2021 for the second semester of the academic year 2020/2021 to include the third stage students in attendance, with a total of 184 students, during which the decisions of the crisis cell are applied. From wearing masks, distancing, using sterilizers, and the Dean’s continuous affirmation of the need to mobilize all possibilities to provide a safe and comfortable environment for our dear students by providing air-conditioned halls as well as providing cold drinking water for our dear students, The electronic exams also included the fourth stage, with 55 students, where the exam process took place smoothly without any problems, With our best wishes to our dear students, Media of the College of Nursing.

Infection Control Workshop for Nursing Students

The Rehabilitation, Employment, and Follow-up Unit, in collaboration with Imam Al-Hassan Hospital, held a workshop for fourth-year students on modern infection control protocols, emphasizing...

Training course on Monkeypox Awareness and Prevention

Under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Dr. Selman Hussain Faris, the College of Nursing at the University of Kerbala held a two-day training course...




زيارة رئيس جامعة كربلاء للاطلاع حول الامتحانات الالكترونية بكلية التمريض

تفقد الاستاذ الدكتور منير حميد السعدي رئيس جامعة كربلاء كلية التمريض برفقه الاستاذ الدكتور زهير محمد علي جدوع المنكوشي مساعد رئيس الجامعة للشؤون...


Scientific cooperation and exchange of experiences between the College of Nursing/ University of Kerbala...

As part of scientific and research cooperation and benefiting from the scientific expertise of the teachers of nursing colleges, the assistant professor, Dr. Fatima Makki Mahmoud, the administrative assistant at the College of Nursing /...

Holding a meeting with the committee for employing the designs for the buildings to...

Under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Ali Karim Al-Jubouri, Dean of the College of Nursing / University of Karbala, a meeting was held with the committee for employing the designs for the buildings to be...

The College of Nursing / University of Kerbala won the third place in the...

 Within the student activities, the student Nour Rasoul Nima from our college won the third place in the university’s drawing festival, which was held on the (fcc) electronic platform. The festival included various arts of...


The Dean of the College of Nursing inspects the progress of...

 The Dean of the College of Nursing, Prof. Dr. Ali Kareem Khudhair, inspected the progress of work in the new building, accompanied by Assistant...