Congratulations on the occasion of the birth of Imam Ali bin Musa Al-Reza, peace be upon him The Deanship of the College of Nursing at the University of Karbala, represented by Prof. Dr. Ali Karim Khudair Al-Jubouri, Dean of the College of Nursing, extends its sincere congratulations and blessings to the Messenger of God (may God bless him and his family and grant him peace) and to the infallible imams, especially the imam of our time, the master of our time and time, may God Almighty hasten his honorable reappearance, the great reference of religion and to the entire Islamic nation And to the faculty members, including teachers, staff and students, on the occasion of the auspicious birth of Anis al-Nufous and Shams al-Shumus, Imam Ali bin Musa al-Ridha, “Peace be upon him.. Happy New Year.” Media of the College of Nursing

The Psychological Counseling Unit at the College of Nursing holds an...

 Under the direct supervision and presence of the Dean of the College of Nursing, Prof. Dr. Ali Kareem Khudhair, the head of the Psychological...

Infection Control Workshop for Nursing Students

The Rehabilitation, Employment, and Follow-up Unit, in collaboration with Imam Al-Hassan Hospital, held a workshop for fourth-year students on modern infection control protocols, emphasizing...

Training course on Monkeypox Awareness and Prevention

Under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Dr. Selman Hussain Faris, the College of Nursing at the University of Kerbala held a two-day training course...




The Dean of the College of Nursing praises the work of...

 Prof. Dr. Ali Kareem Khudhair, Dean of the College, praised the outstanding performance of the Quality Assurance Division through the completion of the teaching...


The Adult Nursing Branch conducted a course on first aid for employees of the...

Under the direct supervision of Dr. Ali Karim Al-Jubouri, Dean of the College of Nursing / University of Karbala, today, Tuesday, 4/27/2020, a first aid course was completed by the teachers of the Adult Nursing...

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