The Council of Deans of Nursing Colleges announces the end of the ministerial calendar exams for nursing colleges in Iraq Prof. Dr. Ali Karim Khudair Al-Jubouri, Dean of the College of Nursing at Karbala University and Chairman of the Council of Deans of Colleges of Nursing in Iraq, announced today, Thursday 6/8/2023, the end of the ministerial calendar exams for nursing colleges in Iraq. It is noteworthy that the exams were launched on the first of June in all governmental and private nursing colleges, and within the framework of the mechanism approved by the Council of Deans of Nursing Colleges in coordination with the supervision and scientific evaluation apparatus in the Ministry, which is the authority supervising the evaluation examinations for the colleges of the medical and nursing group. Dr. Al-Jubouri said that the examinations were conducted in all examination centers in a smooth manner and without obstacles, and the process was crowned with success thanks to the efforts of the deans of the nursing faculties and the directors of the examination centers, which number seven centers and are managed through them by 36 governmental and private nursing colleges and departments at the level of Iraq, and the examination centers were distributed at the level of the Iraqi governorates, which included the center Examination in the College of Nursing, University of Baghdad, Karbala, Kirkuk, Mosul, Babel, Kufa and Basra Center. It is noteworthy that the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and based on its mission and policy in developing the educational environment, strengthening its scientific foundations, measuring the quality of its outputs and improving them, decided in the last academic year to adopt the assessment exam between public and private universities and colleges in the field of medical and health specializations for the academic year 2021-2022. Media of the College of Nursing

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