On Mother’s Day, the College of Nursing students distributed symbolic gifts to mothers at Karbala Teaching Hospital for Children. Students of the Pediatric Nursing Branch in the College of Nursing organized a field visit to Karbala Teaching Hospital for Children, during which symbolic gifts and some sweets were distributed to mothers in the Premature Unit at Karbala Teaching Hospital for Children on the occasion of Mother’s Day and under the title “The mother, her presence is life and her calling is survival.” Notably, students Pediatric Nursing Branch launched the initiative under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Khamis Bandar Obaid, Head of the Pediatric Nursing Branch at the College of Nursing, Assistant Lecturer Etidal Nasser Hussein, Rapporteur of the Pediatric Nursing Branch, and University Nurse Riam Abdel-Reda. For his part, Prof. Dr. Ali Karim Khudair Al-Jubouri, Dean of the College of Nursing at Karbala University, expressed his thanks and appreciation to the students and supervisors for their kind initiative.

Infection Control Workshop for Nursing Students

The Rehabilitation, Employment, and Follow-up Unit, in collaboration with Imam Al-Hassan Hospital, held a workshop for fourth-year students on modern infection control protocols, emphasizing...

Training course on Monkeypox Awareness and Prevention

Under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Dr. Selman Hussain Faris, the College of Nursing at the University of Kerbala held a two-day training course...





The College of Nursing the Division of Administrative, Financial and Legal Affairs, completes the...

 The College of Nursing represented by the Division of Administrative Affairs and the Division of Financial and Legal Affairs has completed its work regarding the information about the contractors with our college from the lecturers...

The College of Nursing / University of Kerbala is holding a national classification workshop...

Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Ali Kareem Al-Juboori, Dean of the College of Nursing / University of Kerbala, the teacher, Dr. Haqi Ismail Mansour, head of the Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation Division, and...


Nursing colleges in Iraq attend the workshop on the mechanism for...

On the sidelines of the meeting of the Committee of Deans of Nursing Faculties in Iraq, the Deans participated in the workshop, the mechanism...